Monday, January 5, 2009


As Dr. Motormouth ordered, I started a diet journal. She wants me to do it for a couple of weeks first so she could help me adjust my diet before we start the actual fertility treatment. It's only been 5 days, but I've already become a more conscientious eater.

One thing I've noticed since I started the diet journal is that I now drink a lot more milk (granted it's only been 5 days so it hardly qualifies as a permanent change in diet). However, I was never a big milk drinker. No. Let me rephrase that. I didn't drink milk at all.

I had ulcer when I was 16 (all that stress and burning the midnight oil studying for the National Senior High School Entrance Exam). After a stomach endoscopy, the doctor put me on a strict "soft food" diet and told me not to drink milk as it turns into clogs once mixed with stomach acid. Whether it was a load of crap or it actually had some scientific reasoning behind it, I was more than happy to oblige since I, like most people in Asia, grew up on soy milk or milk tea. Drinking milk by itself was just not a part of my diet back then. The only reason I buy milk is... okay, there are actually two reasons. One, Bill quite often has some cookies and milk before he goes to bed. Two, I put milk in my coffee.

So as you can understand, I've never felt the desire to have some milk.

For about 2 days now, however, I actually want milk. As extreme as it seemed, the desire to have some milk drove me to drinking two glasses of milk last night, and I just finished two coffee mugs of milk in the last hour. While it may not seem much for some regular milk drinkers, it's quite a lot for someone who didn't use to drink milk at all.

I have two cartons of milk in the fridge: one at work and one at home.

At 36, I wouldn't be surprised if my body starts to need more calcium. We'll have to wait and see how long this milk-drinking behavior lasts.

1 comment:

  1. Milk is a funny funny thing. I can no longer drink it (it throws my body into an uncomfortable spin)so I stick to soy milk instead. The strange thing is that I still occasionally get cravings for it and I haven't had a glass for over 10 years! Cheers to you and drink up while you can =)
