Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thank You

Thank you, Donna, for your words of comfort. They always calm me down.

Thank you, Aunt Bonnie, for your words of encouragement. Your positive outlook helps lighten up the whole situation.

Thank you, the entire Martins family, for your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, Lana, for the text message all the way from Newfoundland. Yes, I'm very excited about seeing you again very shortly.

Thank you, Lisa, for taking the time from entertaining the in-laws, the usual X'mas frenzy, and bulking up Jordy to write to me. Your "milk shake" story still cracks me up. May I suggest next time let Scottie do the shaking?!

Thank you, Jacqueline, for the two messages in a day (what a treat). Glad to know you're feeling well, looking gorgeous, and that everything's going well with Carlos. Can't wait to meet him.

Thank you, Maddy, for your support. Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our own peephole views of the world and could very easily lose sight of the grand scheme. Thank you for reminding me what I should be thankful for and take pride in.

Thank you, Mom, for being the amazing mother you are. I know it's not easy for you, but thank you for not puking before I do (you know what I'm talking about).

Thank you, babe, for being here. It would've been much tougher without you. Thanks for putting up with me. Thanks for holding me up when I'm down. I love you.

Thank you all. I'll see you in a few days!


  1. Kate,
    You have been on my mind all day today. It is Thursday here in the US, so it must be Friday there. I hope all has gone well with the surgery and that you will recover quickly.

    Hang in there!
    From, Donna

  2. Me too! And I hope Billy will keep us posted as to what is happening. I hope they give you some good drugs so you either don't feel any pain or don't give a flying fartusky! Take it easy and don't over do. What isn't done will get done in its time.
    Our best to you both.
    Claude and Bonnie
